With high tendency of demands for using an email which requires more secure, KSC provides email and mail server management system to corporate users, enable organizations to operate secured email system efficiently via their own mail server without much investing in hardware and software.

Mail Outsource service provides a corporate email system maintenance including email server, antivirus programs which are daily updated virus database, the Firewall Security system and the Spam Mail Filter which are consistently monitored and maintained by KSC professional technical staff to ensure corporate email system is stable and effectively operated. Enable the email system to run uninterruptedly, supporting secured email sending at any time via a high capacity server with a backup system in case of unexpected problems. น


  • Cost Saving, organizations don’t need to invest in hardware, software and staff cost for email server maintenance.
  • 24/7 Security, a corporate server is always monitored by KSC professional technical staff to ensure the system will be free from virus and all threats.


1. Main features
Mail Storage
Unlimited number of Mailbox license (Mail space 30 GB)
Web based
Web based Interface for Mail user
Web based Interface for Mail server admin
POP3, SMTP and IMAP Server (Support for mail clients such as MS Outlook)
Security System
Security and Virus update check every day
Unlimited number of Antivirus license
Anti Spam Engine for incoming mails
Antivirus Engine for mail attachment files
Support and Service
24 Hours X 7 Days support and alert by SMS
Mail Server Backup 500 MB on IDC
Hot spare server
Daily routine check for sending mail to international mail server (such as Hotmail, Gmail and Yahoo)
Daily routine check for Virus and Spam Signature update
2. Hardware Specification
Model : NEC Express 5800/56wd Server
CPU : Xeon III 866 MHz
Hard Disk : SCSI 9, 18 or 36 GB (Optional)
RAM : 256 MB
3. Software Specification
Operating System : FreeBSD
Email System : Qmail
Anti Virus : RAV
Anti Spam : Spam Assassin
Client Interface : IMP
Web Interface : Horde
Admin Interface : Qmail Admin
Database Engine : MySQL
Firewall : IPFW
Web Server : Apache

Request Information of Email Solution


Business Solution
  • Address: 2/4 Chubb Tower 10th Floor, Vibhavadee-Rangsit Road, Thungsonghong, Laksi, Bangkok 10210
  • Telephone: 0-2779-7999
  • Email: consultantksc@ksc.net